Ground-breaking Businesses
First business trading electricity contracts (1994-1999)
• First to trade an electricity hedge contract. Over one thousand transactions completed with over 40 counterparties.
• "... the main institution in the market...", Australian Financial Review 25 May 1997
First trading business offering a comprehensive range of wool risk management products (1994-1999)
• Creator of Macquarie Wool Futures
• First to operate an exempt futures market (Macquarie Wool Futures) and an exempt stock market (equity units in Wool International).
• "... an exciting step for the wool industry", John Anderson, Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, Australian Financial Review 13 May 1996
Responsible for Macquarie Bank's Debt Markets Division (1994-1997)
• Included fixed interest price-making, bond options, debt origination
First trading business to specialise in inflation-indexed bonds (1991-1997)
• " the market leader in primary and secondary turnover in this (indexed bond) market.", Macquarie Bank, 1994 Annual Report
Arbitrage Division (1986-1997)
• Included foreign exchange, fixed interest, Eurobonds, futures, convertible notes
First Interest Rate Swap business (1983-1986)
• First in Australia (and probably the world) to provide two way prices for interest rate swaps.