Ground-breaking Businesses

First business trading electricity contracts (1994-1999)

First to trade an electricity hedge contract. Over one thousand transactions completed with over 40 counterparties.

"... the main institution in the market...", Australian Financial Review 25 May 1997

First trading business offering a comprehensive range of wool risk management products (1994-1999)

Creator of Macquarie Wool Futures

First to operate an exempt futures market (Macquarie Wool Futures) and an exempt stock market (equity units in Wool International).

"... an exciting step for the wool industry", John Anderson, Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, Australian Financial Review 13 May 1996

Responsible for Macquarie Bank's Debt Markets Division (1994-1997)

Included fixed interest price-making, bond options, debt origination

First trading business to specialise in inflation-indexed bonds (1991-1997)

" the market leader in primary and secondary turnover in this (indexed bond) market.", Macquarie Bank, 1994 Annual Report

Arbitrage Division (1986-1997)

Included foreign exchange, fixed interest, Eurobonds, futures, convertible notes

First Interest Rate Swap business (1983-1986)

First in Australia (and probably the world) to provide two way prices for interest rate swaps.