UPCOMING EVENT: I'm running a free maths club at Woollahra Library, Sydney, Australia for 13-18 year olds every week for 10 weeks from 22 October. Search woollahra maths randell for details and to reserve a spot.


- Lectured financial mathematics and currently tutors first and second year mathematics.

- Recent student survey:  5.7 out of 6 versus School 5.15, Faculty 5.22, University 5.30 <click to view> .

- My explanation of JPEG used by Epson <more>.

- YouTube channel viewed over 3.5 million times <more>.

-YouTube video Chinese Remainder Theorem made easy viewed over 1/2 million times.

- Presented at the City Recital Hall for the Sydney Science Festival.

- Over 90 interesting and inspiring mathematics and technology talks to school and university students, adult groups and company staff.

-To arrange a talk (free for students and adult groups) click <contact>. 


- BA (Actuarial Studies), Macquarie University.

- BSc (Honours) (Advanced Mathematics), University of New South Wales.

- PhD (Pure Mathematics), University of New South Wales.

- Published and presented on irreducible polynomials, coprime tuples, GCD of shifted sets, sums involving arithmetic functions, counting primes in floor function sets <more>.

Business and Other

- 20 years in investment banking, creating new trading businesses (including interest rate swaps, inflation-indexed bonds, arbitrage, wool derivatives and electricity derivatives) <more>. 

- 5 years consulting to finance and energy companies, regulators and market operators.

- Keynote speaker on risk management, how trading markets work, banking careers, probability distributions in investment, how things like encryption, GPS, CT scans and Google search work <contact>.

-Read my article on Covid in Independent Australia  <here>.

-Read my article on a Voice to Parliament in Independent Australia <here>.